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Directorate General of Shipping
Institute CIP Inspection Report

Sr.No. MTI No Name of MTI CIP Inspection Date CIP Grade MMD / Recognised RO
1 206036 NUSI Maritime Academy 01/12/2017 B2 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING (IRS)
2 207046 U.V. Patel College Of Engineering 21/11/2017 A1 Kandla
3 406030 Tamil Nadu Maritime Academy 16/12/2016 B1 M/S. INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING, MUMBAI
4 302007 Orissa Maritime Academy 21/02/2019 A2 IRS
5 401005 Euro Tech Maritime Academy 27/07/2017 A1 RINA
6 402014 Marine Officer Training Academy 08/06/2017 A2 RINA
7 206036 NUSI Maritime Academy 27/03/2019 B2 Indian Register of Shipping (IRS)
8 101001 Aquatech Institute Of Maritime Studies 26/09/2018 B1 DNV-GL
9 204026 Suraksha Marine 04/03/2019 A1 Lloyds Register Asia
10 202009 The Great Eastern Institute Of Maritime Studies 16/11/2016 A1 DNV - GL
11 203010 Asha International Institue Of Marine Technology 11/07/2017 A1 NK
12 203010 Asha International Institue Of Marine Technology 19/10/2018 A1 NK
13 101003 Centre for Maritime Education & Training 29/11/2018 A1 Lloyd register
14 304017 National Inland Navigation Institute 06/04/2019 A2 IRS
15 204025 SNS Maritime Training Institute 20/12/2018 A1 Lloyd register
16 303010 Institute Of Marine Education & Research 04/05/2018 A2 Bureau veritas
17 303012 Marine Education Charitable Trust (Extended Campus) 30/10/2018 A1 IRS
18 303012 Marine Education Charitable Trust (Extended Campus) 30/10/2018 A1 IRS
19 406029 School Of Seamanship & Nautical Technology 22/08/2018 A2 RINA
20 203011 The Institute Of Marine Engineers(India) 21/06/2018 A1 Lloyd register
21 211056 Institute Of Maritime Studies 31/10/2018 A1 IRS
22 402011 Indus Seafarers Training Academy 13/05/2019 A1 RINA
23 103007 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation 17/07/2015 A1 IRS
24 204021 R.M Maritime Academy 10/04/2019 A2 IRS
25 414046 Sri Nandhanam College Of Engineering And Technology 31/12/2018 A2 RINA
26 301002 Seacom Marine College 23/05/2019 A1 DNV GL
27 103010 School Of Higher Academic And Professional Education (SHAPE) 08/01/2019 A1 DNV GL
28 207042 MASSA Maritime Academy 11/06/2018 A1 NKK (NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI)
29 406030 Tamil Nadu Maritime Academy 23/03/2018 A2 M/S. RINA INDIA PRIVATE LTD, MUMBAI
30 303013 MMA 16/11/2017 A1 Indian Registry of Shipping
31 214062 Maharashtra Academy Of Naval Education & Training 30/01/2019 A1 Bureau Veritas
32 201001 BP Marine Academy 22/12/2018 A1 DNVGL
33 201002 BP Marine Academy - Panvel 21/12/2018 A2 DNVGL
34 101002 Asha International Institue Of Marine Technology 27/11/2018 A2 Class NK
35 101004 International Maritime Institute Ltd 05/09/2018 A1 RINA
36 414047 Srivenkateshwara College Of Engineering 23/09/2017 A2 Indian Register of Shipping
37 414047 Srivenkateshwara College Of Engineering 15/10/2014 A2 Indian Register of Shipping
38 401004 Commander Ali`s Acadmy Of Merchant Navy 06/04/2017 A2 Indian Register of Shipping
39 405023 HIMT College - Tidal Park 20/11/2018 A1 DNV-GL
40 202008 Arya Marine Academy 22/03/2017 B1 IRS
41 111022 Applied Research International 09/01/2019 A1 DNV-GL
42 203016 Yak Management & Marine Education Centre 27/03/2019 A2 LLyods Register Class
43 110021 Amer Maritime Training Academy 26/03/2019 A2 Lloyds register
44 303013 MMA 05/04/2019 A1 Indian Register of Shipping
45 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 01/02/2019 B2 Lloyd register
46 414044 Praveenya Institute Of Marine Engineering & Maritime Studies (PRIME) 19/09/2018 B2 IRS
47 402015 R.L. Institute Of Nautical Sciences 27/07/2017 A1 MMD(Chennai)
48 401007 Maritime Foundation 15/10/2018 A2 IRS
49 102006 J.Sons Merchant Navy Institute 14/08/2017 A2 MMD(Kandla)
50 303011 Marine Educational Charitable Trust 24/09/2018 A1 IRS
51 402016 Southern Academy Of Maritime Studies 09/01/2019 A2 Lloyd register
52 203016 Yak Management & Marine Education Centre 27/03/2019 A2 Lloyd register
53 302007 Orissa Maritime Academy 21/02/2019 A2 IRS
54 314024 THE NEOTIA UNIVERSITY 29/11/2018 A2 DNV GL
55 202007 Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy 25/10/2018 A1 DNV-GL
56 402017 Sri Chakra Maritime College 09/06/2017 A1 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING (IRS)
57 403018 CMC Maritime Academy, Chennai (Campus) 22/02/2019 A1 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING
58 401007 Maritime Foundation 16/09/2017 A2 IRS
59 403021 Pondicherry Maritime Academy 29/10/2018 A1 HANEYDICT.A
60 106017 Oceanic Maritime Academy 28/02/2019 A2 NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI, MUMBAI
61 403022 Seaskills Maritime Academy 21/07/2017 A1 IRCLASS
62 401002 Balaji Seamen Training Institute 06/10/2017 A2 RINA
63 401003 Coimbatore Marine College 13/09/2017 A1 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING (IRS)
64 401004 Commander Ali`s Acadmy Of Merchant Navy 11/04/2014 A1 Indian Register of Shipping
65 211056 Institute Of Maritime Studies 31/10/2018 A1 Indian Register of Shipping
66 206037 Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies 03/03/2017 A1 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
67 403019 Hindustan Instt. Of Maritime Training 20/11/2018 A1 DNV-GL
68 201003 MTI 25/02/2019 A1 NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI
69 207041 Marine Training Academy 17/01/2019 A2 Indian Register of Shipping (IRS)
70 406028 Vels Academy Of Maritime Education & Training 17/11/2016 A2 Indian Register of Shippig
71 205028 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 31/08/2018 A1 Capt. Vernon Sequeira
72 101005 Sriram Institute Of Marine Studies 12/12/2018 B2 H.N. Tiwari
73 412035 GKM College Of Engineering & Technology 28/09/2017 A1 RINA
74 303016 Sensea Maitime Academy (Extended Campus) 12/02/2019 A2
75 103008 HSNA Maritime Education & Research 14/01/2019 A1 Lloyd register
76 103008 HSNA Maritime Education & Research 14/01/2019 A1 Lloyd register
77 207040 International Maritime Training Centre 27/03/2019 A1 DNV GL
78 402012 Jeyanthinather Academy Of Marine Studies 23/01/2018 A1 IRS
79 406028 Vels Academy Of Maritime Education & Training 17/11/2016 A2 IRS
80 409032 Institute of Marine Engineers(India) Cochin 21/02/2019 A1 IRS
81 201005 Tolani Maritime Institute 21/09/2018 A1 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
82 401002 Balaji Seamen Training Institute 02/12/2014 B1 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING (IRS)
83 402011 Indus Seafarers Training Academy 24/04/2018 A1 RINA
84 206037 Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies 14/03/2014 A1 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
85 206037 Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies 05/03/2015 A1 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
86 206037 Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies 05/06/2018 A1 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
87 107018 Applied Research International ARI - School of Higher Academic and Professional Education - I 11/12/2018 A1 DNV GL
88 207038 Fleet Management Training Institute 15/03/2019 A1 DNV GL
89 402008 Cosmopolitan Technology Of Maritime 19/04/2018 A2 RINA INDIA PVT LIMITED
90 202009 The Great Eastern Institute Of Maritime Studies 23/11/2017 A1 DNV - GL
91 303015 Sensea Maritime Academy 11/04/2019 A2 IRS
92 101003 Centre for Maritime Education & Training 13/01/2019 A1 Lloyd register
93 303012 Marine Education Charitable Trust (Extended Campus) 30/10/2018 A1 IRS
94 103011 SEI Educational Trust Faridabad 01/10/2018 A1 MMD(Kandla)
95 302007 Orissa Maritime Academy 21/02/2019 A2 IRS
96 314023 Haldia Institute Of Maritime Studies & Research 03/05/2019 A2 IRS
97 402016 Southern Academy Of Maritime Studies 09/01/2019 A2 Lloyd register
98 402016 Southern Academy Of Maritime Studies 09/01/2019 A2 Lloyd register
99 303013 MMA 05/04/2019 A1 IRS
100 414047 Srivenkateshwara College Of Engineering 13/10/2018 A2 IRS
101 305018 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation (Kol) 22/05/2019 A1 DNV GL
102 403022 Seaskills Maritime Academy 10/05/2019 A1 IRS
103 402012 Jeyanthinather Academy Of Marine Studies 23/01/2018 A1 IRS
104 402012 Jeyanthinather Academy Of Marine Studies 21/03/2015 A1 Lloyd register
105 204022 Ramana Academy Of Maritime Studies 03/06/2019 A2 IRS
106 406030 Tamil Nadu Maritime Academy 24/05/2019 A2 RINA
107 414041 Mohammad Sathak Engineering College 12/07/2019 A2 IRS
108 207043 Naval Maritime Academy West 22/05/2019 A1 MMD(Mumbai)
109 302005 Maritime Academy Of India 22/08/2019 B1 IRS
110 414038 Behara Institute Of Maritime Training 13/08/2019 B1 IRS
111 301003 Seacom Marine College, Howrah 31/10/2018 A2 RINA
112 204025 SNS Maritime Training Institute 20/12/2018 A1 Lloyds Register Asia (LRA)
113 302006 Maritime Education Training & Research Institute 12/08/2017 A2 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING
114 414045 PNS College Of Engineering & Technology 27/11/2018 A2 INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING (IRS)
115 412036 Kunjali Marakkar School Of Marine Engineering 06/06/2018 A1 Indian Register of Shipping
116 401001 AMET University 18/12/2018 A1 DNV-GL
117 407031 Indian Maritime College 13/03/2019 A2 DNV-GL
118 402010 HIMT College - Kalpakkam 21/11/2018 A1 DNV-GL
119 207045 Seascan Marine Services Pvt Ltd 23/01/2019 A2 DNV-GL
120 105012 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 05/01/2018 A1 DNV-GL
121 402008 Cosmopolitan Technology Of Maritime 18/04/2018 A2 RINA INDIA PVT LIMITED
122 202009 The Great Eastern Institute Of Maritime Studies 17/11/2018 A1 DNV - GL
123 101005 Sriram Institute Of Marine Studies 12/12/2018 B1 H.N. Tiwari
124 303008 Hoon Maritime Institute 28/03/2019 A1 Bureau Veritas
125 402009 GKM Institute Of Marine Sciences And Technology 29/09/2017 A1 RINA
126 101003 Centre for Maritime Education & Training 29/11/2018 A1 Lloyd register
127 105012 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 10/04/2019 A1 DNV GL
128 414041 Mohammad Sathak Engineering College 09/03/2018 A2 IRS
129 204023 Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies 26/04/2019 A1
130 204020 Marine Training Academy 17/04/2019 A2 IRS
131 204021 R.M Maritime Academy 10/04/2019 A2 IRS
132 207046 U.V. Patel College Of Engineering 21/11/2017 A1 MMD(Kandla)
133 314024 THE NEOTIA UNIVERSITY 29/11/2018 A2 DNV GL
134 203013 Mumbai Maritime Training Institute 12/09/2018 A1 IRS
135 101001 Aquatech Institute Of Maritime Studies 23/08/2019 B1 DNV GL
136 204066 Trident Institute Of Maritime Studies 01/09/2019 A1 RINA
137 103011 SEI Educational Trust Faridabad 30/09/2019 A1 DNV GL
138 102006 J.Sons Merchant Navy Institute 10/10/2019 A2 IRS
139 405023 HIMT College - Tidal Park 09/10/2019 A1 DNV GL
140 208054 Yak Educational Trust 15/05/2019 A2 MMD(Mumbai)
141 208073 Girik Maritime Academy 08/11/2019 A2 IRS
142 406029 School of Seamanship & Nautical Technology 13/12/2019 A2 RINA
143 204018 International Marine Academy 02/12/2019 C1 IRS
144 412035 GKM College of Engineering And Technology 27/09/2018 A1 RINA
145 403018 CMC Maritime Academy, Chennai (Campus) 29/02/2020 A1 IRS
146 105016 Zasha Institute of Maritime Studies 11/02/2020 A1 Lloyd register
147 204026 Suraksha Marine 24/01/2020 A1 Lloyd register
148 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 20/01/2021 A1 Lloyd register
149 201004 TS Rahaman 29/01/2021 A1 DNV GL
150 405051 VIZAG HIMT 11/01/2021 A1 IRS
151 108025 Navigator Maritime Academy 07/10/2021 A2 IRS
152 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 24/09/2021 A2 IRS
153 414047 Srivenkateshwara College of Engineering 07/02/2022 A1 IRS
154 406029 School of Seamanship & Nautical Technology 28/02/2022 A1 DNV GL
155 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 24/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
156 201004 TS Rahaman 14/12/2021 A1 DNV GL
157 403018 CMC Maritime Academy, Chennai (Campus) 24/06/2022 A1
158 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 24/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
159 302007 Orissa Maritime Academy 02/03/2022 A2 Bureau veritas
160 207040 International Maritime Training Centre 01/12/2022 A1 DNV GL
161 401001 AMET University 03/11/2022 A1 Lloyd register
162 403020 Massa Maritime Academy 25/11/2022 A1
163 406028 Vels Academy of Maritime Education And Training 09/11/2022 A1 Lloyd register
164 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 19/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
165 208072 Sun Marine Academy 04/01/2023 A2 DNV GL
166 405023 HIMT Tidal Park 10/02/2022 A1 IRS
167 405023 HIMT Tidal Park 09/12/2022 A1 IRS
168 406025 DR. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology 08/01/2015 A2 Lloyd register
169 303012 Marine Education Charitable Trust (Extended Campus) 08/02/2023 A1 Lloyd register
170 204067 OCEAN DREAM MARINE TRAINING INSTITUTE 28/08/2019 A2 Lloyd register
172 403019 Hindustan Instt. of Maritime Training 09/10/2019 A1 DNV GL
173 204071 Anvay Maritime Institute 28/11/2019 A2 IRS
174 103007 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation 10/01/2020 A1 DNV GL
175 414045 PNS College of Engineering And Technology 27/11/2018 A2 IRS
176 107019 Oceans XV Educational Trust 15/06/2019 A1 Lloyd register
177 303013 MMA 20/02/2020 A1 IRS
178 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 20/01/2021 A1 Lloyd register
179 402010 HIMT College 29/12/2020 A1 IRS
180 201003 MTI 09/07/2021 A1 DNV GL
181 101004 International Maritime Institute 14/10/2019 A1 RINA
182 414041 Mohammad Sathak Engineering College 30/09/2020 A2 RINA
183 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 07/12/2021 A1 DNV GL
184 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 24/09/2021 A2 IRS
185 403021 Pondicherry Maritime Academy 16/12/2021 B1 DNV GL
186 403019 Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training 17/11/2021 A1 IRS
187 414047 Srivenkateshwara College of Engineering 15/10/2015 A2 IRS
188 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 24/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
189 403018 CMC Maritime Academy, Chennai (Campus) 24/06/2022 A1
190 414039 Indian Maritime University(Kochi) 20/04/2022 A2 IRS
191 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
192 105012 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 22/02/2022 A1 DNV GL
193 401001 AMET University 03/11/2022 A1 Lloyd register
194 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
195 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
196 203016 Yak Management And Marine Education Centre 15/12/2022 A1 Lloyd register
197 402010 HIMT College 29/12/2022 A1 IRS
198 202009 The Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies 28/12/2022 A1 DNV GL
199 202009 The Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies 15/11/2019 A1 IRS
200 303014 SEI Educational Trust 23/01/2023 A1 Lloyd register
201 412036 Kunjali Marakkar School Of Marine Engineering 17/10/2019 A2 IRS
202 203013 Mumbai Maritime Training Institute 24/10/2019 A1 IRS
203 203011 The Institute of Marine Engineers(India) 18/06/2019 A1 Lloyd register
204 207046 U.V. Patel College of Engineering 26/07/2019 A1 MMD(Kandla)
205 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 04/10/2019 A1 Lloyd register
206 414042 Noorul Islam College of Engineering 12/12/2019 B2 IRS
207 402009 GKM Institute of Marine Sciences And Technology 27/09/2018 A1 RINA
208 404049 Varuna Institute of Maritime Studies 05/12/2019 A1 RINA
209 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 23/12/2016 A2 IRS
210 401001 AMET University 31/10/2019 A1 IRS
211 208072 Sun Marine Academy 07/01/2020 A2 IRS
212 207038 Fleet Management Training Institute 16/03/2020 A1 DNV GL
213 414045 PNS College of Engineering And Technology 11/02/2020 B1 IRS
214 103008 HSNA Maritime Education And Research 10/01/2020 A1 Lloyd register
215 406028 Vels Academy of Maritime Education And Training 13/11/2019 A1 IRS
216 414047 Srivenkateshwara College of Engineering 05/11/2020 A2 RINA
217 405051 VIZAG HIMT 12/01/2021 A1 IRS
218 406029 School of Seamanship & Nautical Technology 13/12/2019 A2 RINA
219 203011 The Institute of Marine Engineers(India) 21/06/2021 A1 Lloyd register
220 303008 Hoon Maritime Institute 19/08/2020 A1 Bureau veritas
221 101004 International Maritime Institute 23/12/2021 A1 IRS
222 103011 SEI Educational Trust Faridabad 17/02/2022 A1 Lloyd register
223 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 24/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
224 103010 School of Higher Academic And Professional Education (SHAPE) 17/09/2022 A1 DNV GL
225 101001 Aquatech Institute of Maritime Studies 18/10/2022 B1 DNV GL
226 201004 TS Rahaman 22/12/2022 A1 IRS
227 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
228 203016 Yak Management And Marine Education Centre 15/12/2022 A1 Lloyd register
229 403019 Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training 17/02/2023 A1 IRS
230 405051 VIZAG HIMT 01/02/2022 A1 IRS
231 407048 AMET City College 03/02/2023 A1 Lloyd register
232 206037 Samundra Institute Of Maritime Studies 04/09/2019 A1
233 103011 SEI Educational Trust Faridabad 01/08/2018 A1 MMD(Kandla)
234 205028 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 13/09/2019 A1 DNV GL
235 407048 AMET City College 15/11/2019 A1 IRS
236 204019 Loyalty Marine Education Trust 29/11/2019 A2
237 204018 International Marine Academy 02/12/2019 C1 IRS
238 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 04/10/2019 A1 Lloyd register
239 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 23/12/2016 A2 IRS
240 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 23/12/2016 A2 IRS
241 204074 MVVS Maritime Academy 06/03/2020 A2 RINA
242 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 27/02/2020 A2 IRS
243 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 10/01/2020 A1 Lloyd register
244 204071 Anvay Maritime Institute 29/09/2021 A1 IRS
245 203014 OERC Academy 17/02/2021 A1
246 204026 Suraksha Marine 22/06/2021 A1 Lloyd register
247 204069 Oceana Maritime Training Institute 11/03/2022 A1 IRS
248 406029 School of Seamanship & Nautical Technology 28/02/2022 A1 DNV GL
249 406029 School of Seamanship & Nautical Technology 28/02/2022 A1 DNV GL
250 207046 U.V. Patel College of Engineering 11/04/2022 A1 IRS
251 314024 The Neotia University 16/09/2022 A2 IRS
252 403022 Seaskills Maritime Academy 05/09/2022 A1 DNV GL
253 206065 S.P. Marine Academy 03/11/2022 A2
254 201003 MTI 26/08/2022 A1 DNV GL
255 204067 Ocean Dream Marine Training Institute 26/08/2022 A2 Lloyd register
256 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 28/02/2023 A2 Lloyd register
257 204019 Loyalty Marine Education Trust 22/02/2023 A1 IRS
258 203014 OERC Academy 23/03/2022 A1
259 204017 Coral Maritime Institute of Learning And Development 15/03/2023 A1 Lloyd register
261 305018 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation (Kol) 27/04/2023 A1 IRS
262 303008 Hoon Maritime Institute 06/04/2023 A1 Lloyd register
263 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 28/03/2023 A1 Lloyd register
264 414047 Srivenkateshwara College Of Engineering 16/10/2019 A2 IRS
265 403020 Massa Maritime Academy 25/06/2019 A1
266 402010 HIMT College - Kalpakkam 10/10/2019 A1 DNV GL
267 314024 The Neotia University 15/11/2019 A2 DNV GL
268 202007 Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy 16/10/2017 A1 DNV GL
269 303012 Marine Education Charitable Trust (Extended Campus) 22/01/2020 A1 IRS
270 203066 HSNA Maritime Education & Research -Mumbai 13/02/2020 A2 Lloyd register
271 206065 S.P. Marine Academy 27/02/2020 A1 RINA
272 103010 School of Higher Academic And Professional Education (SHAPE) 07/02/2020 A1 DNV GL
273 401004 Commander Ali`s Acadmy of Merchant Navy 04/03/2020 A2 RINA
274 401004 Commander Ali`s Acadmy of Merchant Navy 04/03/2020 A1 RINA
275 207040 International Maritime Training Centre 13/03/2020 A1 DNV GL
276 303011 Marine Educational Charitable Trust 03/12/2020 A1 RINA
277 412036 Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering 17/03/2021 B1 MMD(Kochi)
278 407048 AMET City College 24/02/2021 A1 IRS
279 301001 IMU , Kolkata Campus 03/09/2021 A1 Lloyd register
280 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 09/12/2021 A1 Lloyd register
281 205028 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 29/07/2022 A1 DNV GL
282 204075 SCMS NADHAL MTI 27/10/2022 A1 IRS
283 214062 Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training 29/11/2022 A2 IRS
286 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 28/03/2023 A1 Lloyd register
287 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 27/10/2022 A1 Lloyd register
288 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 25/10/2022 A1 Lloyd register
289 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 26/10/2022 A1 Lloyd register
290 103008 HSNA Maritime Education And Research 20/10/2022 A1 Lloyd register
291 103008 HSNA Maritime Education And Research 21/10/2022 A1 Lloyd register
292 105016 Zasha Institute of Maritime Studies 29/10/2022 A1 Lloyd register
293 409032 Institute of Marine Engineers(India) Cochin 29/03/2023 A1 Lloyd register
294 105014 Institute of Marine Education And Research Lucknow 13/04/2023 B1 MMD(Mumbai)
295 406028 Vels Academy Of Maritime Education & Training 09/11/2018 A2 IRS
296 303011 Marine Educational Charitable Trust 19/09/2019 A1 IRS
297 401007 Maritime Foundation 25/09/2019 A2 IRS
298 210055 Sakshi Institute of Maritime Foundation 29/10/2019 A1
299 208072 Sun Marine Academy 07/01/2020 A2 IRS
300 202007 Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy 17/10/2019 A1 Lloyd register
301 205030 Pentagon Maritime & Training Institute 19/11/2019 A2 DNV GL
302 105014 Institute of Marine Education And Research Lucknow 19/03/2019 B1 MMD(Delhi)
303 414045 PNS College of Engineering And Technology 11/02/2020 B1 IRS
304 214062 Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training 20/02/2020 A1 IRS
305 105016 Zasha Institute of Maritime Studies 11/02/2020 A1 Lloyd register
306 204074 MVVS Maritime Academy 06/03/2020 A2 RINA
307 201005 Tolani Maritime Institute 18/12/2020 A1 DNV GL
308 414044 Praveenya Institute of Marine Engineering & Maritime Studies (PRIME) 08/11/2019 B2 IRS
310 301001 IMU , Kolkata Campus 03/09/2021 A1 Lloyd register
311 301001 IMU , Kolkata Campus 03/09/2021 A1 Lloyd register
312 203011 The Institute of Marine Engineers(India) 21/06/2021 A1 Lloyd register
313 204023 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 03/12/2021 A1
314 407048 AMET City College 02/02/2022 A1 IRS
315 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 09/12/2021 A1 Lloyd register
316 409032 Institute of Marine Engineers(India) Cochin 25/11/2021 A1 IRS
317 214062 Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training 17/06/2022 A2 IRS
318 204026 Suraksha Marine 12/07/2022 A1 IRS
319 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 24/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
320 203011 The Institute of Marine Engineers(India) 24/08/2022 A1 Lloyd register
321 208073 Girik Maritime Academy 20/09/2022 A1 Lloyd register
322 208074 VIJAYATILAK MARITIME ACADEMY 02/11/2022 A1 Lloyd register
323 201005 Tolani Maritime Institute 22/10/2021 A1 DNV GL
324 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 07/12/2022 A1 IRS
325 204027 United Marine Academy 16/12/2022 A2 IRS
326 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 07/12/2022 A1 IRS
327 211056 Institute of Maritime Studies 04/10/2019 A1 Lloyd register
328 201004 TS Rahaman 06/12/2018 A1 DNV GL
329 201004 TS Rahaman 29/11/2019 A1 DNV GL
330 401005 Euro Tech Maritime Academy 20/12/2019 A2 RINA
331 202007 Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy 14/10/2016 A1 DNV GL
332 312020 Trident College of Marine Technology 28/12/2019 B1 DNV GL
333 402017 Sri Chakra Maritime College 03/07/2019 A1 IRS
334 308025 Springdale Academy of Maritime Education and Training(SAMET) 04/02/2020 A1 IRS
335 105014 Institute of Marine Education And Research Lucknow 19/03/2019 B1
336 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 10/01/2020 A1 Lloyd register
337 414041 Mohammad Sathak Engineering College 30/09/2020 A2 RINA
338 302006 Maritime Education Training And Research Institute 07/03/2020 B1 DNV GL
339 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 20/01/2021 A1 Lloyd register
340 403018 CMC Maritime Academy, Chennai (Campus) 05/04/2021 A1 IRS
341 303008 Hoon Maritime Institute 09/02/2021 A1 Bureau veritas
342 208053 IMU, Navi Mumbai Campus 13/10/2021 A1 IRS
344 409032 Institute of Marine Engineers(India) Cochin 22/02/2018 A1 IRS
345 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 31/03/2022 A2 IRS
346 207041 Marine Training Academy 13/03/2020 A2 IRS
347 202007 Anglo Eastern Maritime Academy 23/08/2022 A1 Lloyd register
348 403021 Pondicherry Maritime Academy 23/12/2022 A1 DNV GL
349 204023 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 18/01/2023 A1
350 203016 Yak Management And Marine Education Centre 15/12/2022 A1 Lloyd register
351 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 22/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
352 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 22/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
353 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 22/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
354 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
355 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
356 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
357 404049 Varuna Institute of Maritime Studies 24/01/2023 A1 DNV GL
358 105012 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 10/01/2023 A1 DNV GL
359 402014 Marine Officer Training Academy 05/04/2019 B2 DNV GL
360 203014 OERC Academy 19/08/2019 A1
361 303014 SEI Educational Trust 29/12/2018 A1
362 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 23/12/2016 A2 IRS
363 414044 Praveenya Institute of Marine Engineering & Maritime Studies (PRIME) 08/11/2019 B2 IRS
364 103008 HSNA Maritime Education And Research 10/01/2020 A1 Lloyd register
365 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 10/01/2020 A1 Lloyd register
366 105023 Centre For Maritime Training Noida 25/02/2021 A1 Lloyd register
367 105023 Centre For Maritime Training Noida 26/02/2021 A1 Lloyd register
368 105023 Centre For Maritime Training Noida 25/02/2021 A1 Lloyd register
369 403019 Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training 15/02/2021 A1 DNV GL
370 405023 HIMT College - Tidal Park 20/01/2021 A1 IRS
371 201003 MTI 24/01/2020 A1 DNV GL
372 414038 Behara Institute of Maritime Training 08/04/2021 B1 IRS
373 303016 Sensea Maritime Academy 08/07/2021 A2
374 303016 Sensea Maritime Academy 30/03/2022 A1 IRS
375 402017 Sri Chakra Maritime College 07/04/2022 A1 DNV GL
376 412036 Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering 22/04/2022 A2 MMD(Kochi)
377 303008 Hoon Maritime Institute 27/04/2022 A1 Lloyd register
378 414045 PSN College of Engineering And Technology 24/02/2022 A2 Lloyd register
379 314024 The Neotia University 16/09/2022 A2 IRS
380 402016 Southern Academy of Maritime Studies 27/07/2022 A2 Lloyd register
381 201005 Tolani Maritime Institute 26/11/2019 A1
382 108025 Navigator Maritime Academy 15/12/2022 A1 IRS
383 204066 Trident Institute of Maritime Studies 17/12/2022 A2 Lloyd register
384 414038 Behara Institute of Maritime Training 13/10/2022 A2 MMD(Chennai)
385 414047 Srivenkateshwara College of Engineering 25/01/2023 A1 IRS
386 101001 Aquatech Institute of Maritime Studies 19/10/2022 A2 DNV GL
387 402010 HIMT College 02/02/2022 A1 IRS
388 202009 The Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies 17/02/2021 A1 IRS
389 202009 The Great Eastern Institute of Maritime Studies 13/01/2022 A1 IRS
390 405051 VIZAG HIMT 17/01/2023 A1 IRS
391 402017 Sri Chakra Maritime College 02/05/2023 A2 Lloyd register
392 207046 U.V. Patel College of Engineering 30/06/2023 A2 IRS
393 302005 Maritime Academy of India 23/05/2023 A2 DNV GL
394 105023 Centre For Maritime Training Noida 20/03/2023 A1 Lloyd register
395 204077 ARK Marine Academy 11/10/2023 A1 IRS
396 204075 SCMS NADHAL MTI 10/10/2023 A1 IRS
397 206079 Seven Islands Maritime Training Institute 10/11/2023 A1 DNV GL
398 204023 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 18/01/2024 A1
399 1001 ZYX Institute 21/03/2024 A1 MMD(Mumbai)
400 414042 Noorul Islam College of Engineering 02/03/2023 B1 Lloyd register
401 414041 Mohammad Sathak Engineering College 28/06/2022 A2 IRS
402 105016 Zasha Institute of Maritime Studies 07/07/2024 A1 Lloyd register
403 207040 International Maritime Training Centre 04/01/2024 A1 DNV GL
404 111022 Applied Research International 24/09/2024 A1 DNV GL
405 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 12/12/2024 A1 MMD(Mumbai)
406 208053 IMU, Navi Mumbai Campus 06/11/2024 A1 DNV GL
407 401005 Euro Tech Maritime Academy 01/08/2024 B1 IRS
408 412036 Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering 13/04/2023 A2 MMD(Kochi)
409 301003 Seacom Marine College, Howrah 29/05/2023 A2 IRS
410 303013 MERCANTILE MARINE ACADEMY 01/06/2023 A1 IRS
411 104026 R.R. MARINES ACADEMY 19/05/2023 A1 Lloyd register
412 205028 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 03/08/2023 A1 DNV GL
413 401004 Commander Ali`s Academy of Merchant Navy 07/09/2023 A2 IRS
414 208054 Yak Education Trust 16/08/2023 A2 Lloyd register
415 101002 Asha International Institute of Marine Technology 09/10/2023 A1 DNV GL
416 204027 United Marine Academy 17/01/2024 A2 IRS
417 401002 Balaji Seamen Training Institute 05/02/2024 B2 DNV GL
419 201005 Tolani Maritime Institute 28/10/2022 A1 DNV GL
420 402015 R.L. Institute of Nautical Sciences 28/03/2024 A2 DNV GL
421 404049 Varuna Institute of Maritime Studies 26/02/2024 A1 DNV GL
422 203011 The Institute of Marine Engineers(India) 06/06/2024 A1 IRS
423 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 23/12/2023 A1 Lloyd register
424 402011 Indus Seafarers Training Academy 20/02/2024 B1 Lloyd register
425 105023 Centre For Maritime Training Noida 19/03/2024 A1 Lloyd register
426 204074 MVVS Maritime Academy 14/08/2024 A2 DNV GL
427 403020 Massa Maritime Academy 12/12/2023 A1
428 207042 MASSA Maritime Academy 23/10/2024 A1 DNV GL
429 403021 Pondicherry Maritime Academy 17/05/2022 A1 DNV GL
430 402012 Jeyanthinather Academy of Marine Studies 06/07/2023 A1 DNV GL
431 401007 Maritime Foundation 15/05/2023 A2 Lloyd register
432 208054 Yak Education Trust 16/08/2023 A2 Lloyd register
433 204067 Ocean Dream Marine Training Institute 06/09/2023 A1 Lloyd register
434 208073 Girik Maritime Academy 06/10/2023 A1 Lloyd register
436 206065 S.P. Marine Academy 29/11/2023 A2
437 203010 Asha International Institute of Marine Technology 13/09/2023 A1 DNV GL
438 401002 Balaji Seamen Training Institute 06/02/2024 B2 DNV GL
439 402008 Cosmopolitan Technology of Maritime 19/04/2018 A2 RINA
440 101004 International Maritime Institute 02/04/2024 A1 IRS
441 303008 Hoon Maritime Institute 02/05/2024 A1 Lloyd register
442 1001 ZYX Institute 04/07/2024 A2 MMD(Delhi)
443 208081 Training Ship Varren 12/12/2023 A1 IRS
444 107018 Applied Research International - School of Higher Academic & Professional Education - I 23/09/2024 A1 DNV GL
445 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 13/12/2024 A1 MMD(Mumbai)
446 203014 OERC Academy 23/03/2023 A1
447 201001 BP Marine Academy 18/02/2023 A1 DNV GL
448 101002 Asha International Institute of Marine Technology 09/10/2023 A1 DNV GL
449 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 28/11/2023 A1 DNV GL
450 101005 Sriram Institute of Marine Studies 29/11/2023 B1 Lloyd register
451 312020 Trident College of Marine Technology 18/05/2023 C1 Lloyd register
452 102006 J.Sons Merchant Navy Institute 30/01/2024 A2 DNV GL
453 102006 J.Sons Merchant Navy Institute 30/01/2024 A2 DNV GL
454 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 10/10/2023 A2 Lloyd register
455 111022 Applied Research International 20/10/2023 A1 DNV GL
456 105015 Natcom Education & Research Foundation 29/10/2023 A1 DNV GL
457 414047 Srivenkateshwara College of Engineering 17/04/2024 A1 IRS
458 401001 AMET University 30/01/2024 A2 Lloyd register
459 414041 Mohammad Sathak Engineering College 15/09/2023 A2 IRS
460 204067 Ocean Dream Marine Training Institute 20/09/2024 A1 Lloyd register
461 103008 HSNA Maritime Education And Research 23/12/2023 A1 Lloyd register
462 409032 Institute of Marine Engineers(India) Cochin 24/04/2024 A1 Lloyd register
464 101004 International Maritime Institute 28/02/2023 A1 IRS
465 303016 Sensea Maritime Academy 10/04/2023 A1 IRS
466 403021 Pondicherry Maritime Academy 16/05/2023 A1 DNV GL
467 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 27/01/2023 A1 DNV GL
468 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 28/11/2023 A1 DNV GL
469 206037 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 28/11/2023 A1 DNV GL
470 214062 Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training 04/01/2024 A1 Bureau veritas
471 402015 R.L. Institute of Nautical Sciences 14/02/2023 A2 MMD(Chennai)
472 101005 Sriram Institute of Marine Studies 29/11/2023 B1 Lloyd register
473 203013 Mumbai Maritime Training Institute 01/03/2023 A1 DNV GL
474 303010 Institute of Marine Education And Research 01/04/2024 A1
475 103007 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation 07/05/2024 A1 IRS
476 406053 Immanuel Arasar College of Marine Engineering 03/06/2023 C1 MMD(Chennai)
477 406026 International Maritime Academy 17/07/2023 B2 DNV GL
478 403019 Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training 05/02/2024 A1 IRS
479 405023 HIMT Tidal Park 28/12/2023 A1 IRS
480 403022 Seaskills Maritime Academy 15/09/2023 A1 DNV GL
481 204075 SCMS NADHAL MTI 29/10/2024 A1 IRS
482 205028 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 23/08/2024 A1 DNV GL
483 105015 Natcom Education & Research Foundation 26/08/2022 A1 DNV GL
484 203011 The Institute of Marine Engineers(India) 31/05/2023 A1 Lloyd register
485 204071 Anvay Maritime Institute 14/06/2023 A1 IRS
486 204026 Suraksha Marine 18/07/2023 A1 IRS
487 414039 Indian Maritime University(Kochi) 21/06/2023 A2 IRS
488 314024 The Neotia University 08/09/2023 A2 IRS
489 108025 Navigator Maritime Academy 15/09/2023 A1 IRS
490 203013 Mumbai Maritime Training Institute 27/09/2021 A1 DNV GL
491 207041 Marine Training Academy 17/08/2023 A2 DNV GL
492 105012 Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre 18/01/2024 A1 DNV GL
493 201005 Tolani Maritime Institute 10/11/2023 A1
495 303013 MERCANTILE MARINE ACADEMY 26/03/2024 A1 IRS
496 305018 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation (Kol) 02/04/2024 A1 IRS
497 303012 Marine Education Charitable Trust (Extended Campus) 07/03/2024 A1 Lloyd register
498 406024 Cochin Shipyard Limited 26/03/2024 A1 Lloyd register
499 401001 AMET University 30/01/2024 A1 Lloyd register
500 402012 Jeyanthinather Academy of Marine Studies 08/07/2023 A1 DNV GL
501 204071 Anvay Maritime Institute 27/06/2024 A2 IRS
502 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 22/12/2023 A1 Lloyd register
503 103008 HSNA Maritime Education And Research 24/12/2023 A1 Lloyd register
504 204026 Suraksha Marine 13/08/2024 A2 IRS
505 203014 OERC Academy 17/05/2024 A1 Lloyd register
506 303011 Marine Educational Charitable Trust 07/02/2023 A1 Lloyd register
507 103007 Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation 11/05/2023 A1 IRS
508 408050 ALBERT`S MARITIME INSTITUTE 19/05/2023 A1 IRS
509 207041 Marine Training Academy 07/07/2022 A2 DNV GL
510 214062 Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education & Training 04/01/2024 A1 Bureau veritas
511 101005 Sriram Institute of Marine Studies 23/01/2024 B1 Lloyd register
512 101005 Sriram Institute of Marine Studies 29/11/2023 A1 Lloyd register
513 203013 Mumbai Maritime Training Institute 06/02/2024 A1 DNV GL
514 303010 Institute of Marine Education And Research 01/04/2024 A1
515 414038 Behara Institute of Maritime Training 13/10/2022 A2 MMD(Chennai)
516 303010 Institute of Marine Education And Research 02/04/2024 A1
517 302004 CV Raman College of Engineering 10/10/2023 A2 Lloyd register
518 204017 Coral Maritime Institute of Learning And Development 07/05/2024 A1 Lloyd register
519 208048 Gurship Education Trust Maritime Training Institute 30/04/2024 A1 IRS
520 406026 International Maritime Academy 01/09/2023 B2 DNV GL
521 204074 MVVS Maritime Academy 31/08/2023 A2 DNV GL
522 302006 Maritime Education Training And Research Institute 07/03/2020 B1 DNV GL
523 402010 HIMT College 23/12/2023 A1 DNV GL
524 405051 VIZAG HIMT 04/01/2024 A1 DNV GL
525 101003 Centre for Maritime Education And Training 23/12/2023 A2 Lloyd register
526 105016 Zasha Institute of Maritime Studies 07/07/2024 A1 Lloyd register
527 208073 Girik Maritime Academy 17/09/2024 A1 Lloyd register
528 403022 Seaskills Maritime Academy 06/09/2024 A1 DNV GL
529 205029 Indian Maritime University- Mumbai Port Campus (LBS CAMSAR & MERI) 16/10/2024 A1 IRS
530 407031 Indian Maritime College 06/12/2023 A1 DNV GL
531 403020 Massa Maritime Academy 13/11/2024 A1 DNV GL
532 205029 Indian Maritime University- Mumbai Port Campus (LBS CAMSAR & MERI) 29/08/2024 A2 IRS
533 101002 Asha International Institute of Marine Technology 21/01/2025 A1 DNV GL
534 204023 Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies 03/01/2025 A1